Working with shapes, graphics, andother objects, Using floating and inline objects, Chapter 7 – Apple Pages '08 User Manual

Page 134: Working with shapes, graphics, and other objects

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Working with Shapes, Graphics,
and Other Objects

This chapter describes techniques for adding and modifying
images, shapes, sound, and other objects.

An object is an item you can add to a document and then manipulate. Images, shapes,
movies, sound files, tables, charts, and text boxes are all objects.

Images include photographs or PDF files. Movies and sound are for documents that will
be viewed onscreen. Shapes include simple predrawn shapes (such as triangles and
arrows) and custom shapes that you draw yourself. Text boxes hold text, shapes,
images, movies, sound, tables, and charts.

This chapter tells you how to add specific kinds of objects, how to resize and move
them around, and how to modify their color, shadows, alignment, and other settings.

Using Floating and Inline Objects

If you want an object to remain in place so that text on the page flows around it, use a
floating object.

Floating objects are anchored to a position on a page. Typing more text on the page
does not affect the position of a floating object, but you can drag a floating object to
reposition it. Drag any of its selection handles to resize it.

If you want the object embedded in text flow so it is pushed along as the text grows,
use an inline object.

Drag any of the selection
handles to resize floating