Index, Index-1 – Gasboy CFN III Mgnr's Mnl V3.4 User Manual

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MDE-4315 CFN Series CFN III Manager’s Manual for Windows NT · August 2004

Page Index-1


% variable 198
* prompt 9
* wildcard 152
. directory 153
.. directory 153
.BIN extension 226
/ (slash) 153
? wildcard 152
@N 31
@O 31
\ (backslash) 153
^ key Glossary-1
~0A control code 182


14400 baud F-7
28000 baud F-7


A command 157
Account number Glossary-1
Account number lockout Glossary-1
ACTIVATE PUMP command 242, 243
Activate the window 9
ADD ALLOCATION command 138
ADD DRAWER command 75, 85

command 40, 60, 61, 62

ADD SIGNON command 26
ADD TANK command 40, 44

a user 26
fuel products 37
merchandise products 55
merchandise-product inventory 61
software 4
to cash drawer amount 85
to tank inventory counters 43

ADDRAWER command 75

adding software 4
logon 4
Run command 4

Alphanumeric Glossary-1
AND operator 193
Application Glossary-1
Applications diskette E-2
Approved transaction Glossary-1
ASCII Glossary-1


fuel limits to fuel limitation

codes 108

prices to hoses 49
product codes to authorization

codes 106

products to hoses 49
tanks to hoses 49

Assigning a Fueler ID 114
Asterisk 14

as first character in file 179
sign-on code 26
wildcard 152

Asterisk as first character in line 179
At sign (@) 205
Authorization Glossary-1
Authorization (verification) F-2
Authorization codes 105

assigning product codes to 106
fuel-product codes 106
merchandise codes 106
printing code definitions 107
removing product codes from 107

Automatic sign off 13


Backing up 143, 217

custom system 145
restore 147
system data 145
system files 145
transactions 146

Backslash as last character in line 179
BACKTRAN command 144, 147
BACKTRAN.BIN file E-1, E-2
Backup Glossary-2
BACKUP command 145
Back-up files 144
Bank host 214
Bank-card network router 249
Batch Glossary-2
BATCH file Glossary-2
Battery failure 219
BAUD Glossary-2
BIN extension 18, 152, 178, 205
BIN files 18
BIT Glossary-2
Bit-mapped lockout Glossary-2
BLEND.BIN file E-2
Boolean options 193

Boot Glossary-2
Brackets, square

in commands 217

Branching in command file 200
BROWSER Glossary-2
Buffer Glossary-2
Buffered totals 75, 84

in use 229
types 230

BUFFERS command 229
Bug Glossary-2
Byte Glossary-2


Cable Glossary-2
Cabling and wiring 7

see also Appendix A

CALL command 214

authorization codes 105

Card lockouts

bit-mapped 100
bit-mapped, disk-based 103
checking card’s status 103
limited 100, 101
locking out 104
negative 100, 102
negative, selecting 102
positive 100, 102
positive, selecting 103
printing list 105
unlocking 104
wildcards 101

Card number Glossary-2
Card number lockout Glossary-2
Caret sign (^) 206
CASE command 196
Case statements in command files 196
Cash drawer 85

adding to 85
entering amount 85
printing totals 86
subtracting from 85
totals 75

Cash-withdrawal special product 57
Cathode ray tube Glossary-2
CD.CMD file E-2, E-3
CD-ROM Glossary-2
Central processing unit Glossary-2
Certifying CFN F-4


This manual is related to the following products: