How to delete specified lines, How to delete up to a specified character, How to append a file to the current file – Gasboy CFN III Mgnr's Mnl V3.4 User Manual
Page 189: How to appen d a file to the current file

MDE-4315 CFN Series CFN III Manager’s Manual for Windows NT · August 2004
Page 173
Using Text Editors
How to Delete Specified Lines
Use the command-mode DEL command with, optionally, a line range to erase all or part of a
file. To specify a range, enter the lower line number, a space, and the higher line number. For
example, del 1 3 will delete the first three lines in the file.
If you do not specify a line range the entire file will be erased. If you specify only one line
number, the lines from the specified line to the end of the file will be erased.
How to Delete Up to a Specified Character
Use the edit-mode KILL command to delete text up to a specified character. The KILL
command deletes everything from the cursor up to, but not including, a specified character. It
deletes within a single line only.
If the search character is not found to the right of the cursor, everything to the end of the
current line is deleted. This is an easy way to delete everything on a line to the right of the
cursor position.
If you are not in edit mode, type ^E to get into edit mode.
Type k or K.
The status line will display edit: kill.
Type the search character.
Everything from the cursor up to the specified character will be erased.
You can cancel the command before entering the search character by typing ^H (^H functions
only to terminate the command).
How to Append a File to the Current File
Use the APPEND command to append a file to your current file. You can also use this
command to insert a file in the middle of the current file.
To append or insert a file:
Enter the edit or insert mode and position the cursor where you want the file to be inserted.
Enter the command mode and type
append filename
where filename is the name of the file that you want to insert.
A copy of the named file will be inserted above the line the cursor was on. The original file is
not deleted.