List records, List records to a text file – Gasboy CFN III Mgnr's Mnl V3.4 User Manual
Page 146
Lookup Program
List Records
Page 130
MDE-4315 CFN Series CFN III Manager’s Manual for Windows NT · August 2004
List Records
Three of the List menu items, List records to a text file, Unsorted list of records,
and Sorted list of records, place lookup records in a text file or on the screen.
These three items each use two long menus.
• The first long menu shows each Lookup field with either print or skip; use
this menu to specify which fields will be included in the list you are
compiling. For instance, you might reduce the screenful of fields to, say,
only 3 or 4 fields.
• The second long menu sets search parameters for which fields are to be
included in the file you are compiling; each field starts with any, and you
change that to limit the included records-for example, only those with an
expiration date of 6/99 and a price level of 2.
Unlike the ASCII merge files created in the Merge menu, the files created in the
List menu can be easily read by people.
List Records to a Text File
This item copies (or “prints”) records to a file. The file is stored under a
filename with a .PRT extension.
You will usually use this item if you want to subsequently print the text file on a
printer or display it on the screen. You would first list selected records to a file,
then later print the file at a printer or use the Display a text file item to put it on
the screen.
Here is a sample of the first List records menu:
List lookup records
List records in various forms
0. Quit
1. List records to a text file
2. Display a text file
3. Unsorted list of records
4. Sorted list of records
Please select from the above menu and press ENTER ->