INFICON HAPSITE Smart Plus Chemical Identification System User Manual
Page 578

C - 2
N 07
HAPSITE Smart Plus Operating Manual
the cartons and the paperwork required are exacting and can be tedious, so the
easiest approach is to contact INFICON and order the required gases to be
shipped directly to the site.
Do not ship canisters installed in the HAPSITE; they are
considered hazardous
If personal gases are chosen to be shipped, the original cartons can be used to
save time. If new cartons must be used, refer to the old shipping packages for the
required labeling.
The regulations governing shipments of hazardous goods are found in the DOT
portion of the Code of Federal Regulations: Part 171, 172 and 173 of 49 C.F.R.
The gas canisters, pressurized, are classified as hazardous materials under
Section 172.101. When shipped from INFICON, they meet all the packaging
requirements set forth in Section 173.
Federal Express, UPS, and the passenger airlines are forbidden to accept such
cargo unless it is accompanied with the required "Shipper's Declaration for
Dangerous Goods" in four copies. Both FedEx and UPS have their own version
and will provide instructions. The generic version, for use with airlines, is shown
after page C-3, and for instructions on filling out the form, see below.
In filling out the form, it is important to be precise. In the "Transport Details" box,
firmly cross out the term "Cargo Aircraft Only". To the right of the box, cross out the
term "Radioactive".
The "Proper Shipping Name" and "UN or ID NO." are either:
Nitrogen, Compressed, UN 1066, or
Compressed Gases, n. o. s., UN 1956 respectively
(Bromo-pentafluorobenzene, Nitrogen)
The "Class or Division" is 2.2. "Packing Group" and "Subsidiary Risk" are left blank.
"Quantity and Type of Packing" for a single six-pack would read:
6 DOT 2M Canisters in Fiberboard Box X 0.04 Kg.
For two six-packs in a single larger box (which must carry the green diamond and
other placarding), this would read 12 DOT 2M Canisters in 2 Fiberboard Boxes X
0.08 Kg (Overpack Used). The Kg number refers to the total mass of the gas, not
the gross weight.
In the "Packing Inst." column write 200. The "Authorization" column is left blank.
The signature section is very important; fill it out completely.