INFICON HAPSITE Smart Plus Chemical Identification System User Manual

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HAPSITE Smart Plus Operating Manual

Figure 10-16 Manage Files Dialog Window

In the Manage Files window, the left side displays PC files while the right side
displays HAPSITE files. The current folder directory is listed for both the PC and
HAPSITE at the top of the window. The PC drive can be changed by clicking on the
Drive pull-down list and selecting another available drive. Pressing the Up One
button will move the directory back to the parent directory. Double-clicking
on a folder will open the folder.

HINT: The Name, Size, and Date columns can be resized by clicking and holding

the left mouse button on the line at the right edge of the field. Then drag it
to resize. Double-clicking on the right edge of any field will size the field to
fit the data. Single-clicking on a column heading will sort the list based on
that column.

Folders or files may be renamed by selecting the appropriate file or folder, then
selecting the Rename button. The Rename dialog is shown in

Figure 10-17


Figure 10-17 Manage Files - Rename Window