4 cycling the vials, 5 making the measurement, 3 maintenance of hss – INFICON HAPSITE Smart Plus Chemical Identification System User Manual
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HAPSITE Smart Plus Operating Manual
13.2.4 Cycling the Vials
Cycling the vials is performed to thermally equilibrate and analyze samples as
efficiently as possible. Four sample wells allow rotation of samples during analysis
for equilibrium times which are longer than a single sample run time.
Cycling the vials to achieve the desired equilibrium time:
Insert the first sample after the HSS sample heating block has reached the
setpoint temperature. Allow the sample to equilibrate for the desired time (as
determined when the calibration analyses were performed) and continue with
the analysis.
For subsequent samples, determine a strategy for achieving the desired
equilibrium time while minimizing time between sample analysis.
HINT: Develop a consistent system such as analyzing samples in the same
position each time, and rotating samples clockwise or
counter-clockwise to that position during each sample shift.
NOTE: The 40 mL sample vials are intended for one time use only. The vial
and sample should be discarded properly when finished.
13.2.5 Making the Measurement
To make a measurement using the HSS, a method is required. To quantify the
analytes detected, a calibration library in the method is required.
Once the calibration library method is completed, samples may be analyzed and
compared to the calibration library for quantitative analysis. Sample analysis must
be performed using the same procedure used to perform the calibration runs.
Chapter 12, Target Compound Methods
for additional information on developing methods and calibration libraries for
quantitative analysis.
13.3 Maintenance of HSS
Other than replacement of consumable items, most maintenance will involve
routine purging of the system, as needed such as when analyzing high
concentration samples, needle replacement, or cleaning of the sample wells. See
section 16.9, Replacing the Headspace Sampling System Needle, on page 16-47