INFICON HAPSITE Smart Plus Chemical Identification System User Manual

Page 377

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HAPSITE Smart Plus Operating Manual

HINT: When editing from the keyboard, the Alt+DownArrow key combination will

"pull" the pull-down in the Inlet State column. Also, the Insert and Delete
keys work for this grid.

The following parameters are found on the Inlet States page:

Start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . This is the start time of each Inlet State and is

not programmable. The start of the Run Time
actually is the start of the first Injection event.
This being the case, there can be several
events occurring before the actual start of the
Run Time. Each Inlet State starts at the end
of the duration of the previous state.

Duration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Displays the run time, in minutes and

seconds, of each Inlet State event.

Inlet State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The flow order of the entire Method is

programmed via the Inlet States page and
specifically via the Inlet State column. A set
of pre-programmed Inlet States exist and are
selected from the pull-down menu in the Inlet
State column. Selecting an Inlet State will
show the Valve States used for that Inlet
State (see

Figure 11-15

). An Inlet State of

Other can be selected, which allows for a
custom set of Valve States to be set for that
particular Inlet State (see

Figure 11-16

). The

selection of some Inlet States is dependent
on the configuration or placement within the
Method. Some Valve States cannot be
changed for certain Inlet States.

NOTE: The list of Valve States may also include pumps, heaters and fans,

depending on the system configuration. Selecting a component on
the Valve States list tells the system to activate the component. An
empty checkbox (not check marked) tells the system to deactivate
the valve or component.