2 - introduction – MagTek EC2000 99875607 User Manual

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2 - Introduction

ExpressCard 2000| Instant Issuance Card Personalization System | Hardware Service Manual

Page 16

Sensor Name


Card Edge

Blocked EITHER when the embosser daisy wheel is turned such that one of the
tines blocks the sensor, OR when a card enters the area between the embosser

Wheel Home

Blocked when the small fin on top of the embosser daisy wheel points toward the
front of the device.

Top Case

Blocked when the top access door is closed.


Blocked when the hopper transport pushes far enough toward the front of the
device that it mechanically rotates to orient with the manual feed slot.

Hopper Exit

Blocked when a card reaches the point where it is fully and safely loaded from a
hopper into the hopper transport.

Eject Xport

Reserved for future use.

Eject Bin

Reserved for future use.

Exit Just Home

Reserved for future use.

RI Home

Blocked when the rear indent cartridge is in the loaded position (toward the front
of the device).

FI Home

Only used on devices that have the optional front indent module installed. Blocked
when the front indent cartridge is in the loaded position (toward the front of the

Hopper Pull

Unblocked when the card puller on the hopper transport moves in to pick up a card.

Shuttle Home

Blocked when the hopper transport is parked at the rear right corner of the device.

Exception Feed

Blocked when a card just enters the manual feed slot.

RI Unload

Blocked when the rear indent cartridge is in the unload position (toward the rear of
the device).

FI Unload

Only used on devices that have the optional front indent module installed. Blocked
when the front indent cartridge is in the unload position (toward the rear of the

MP Card In

Reserved for future use.

Hopper Card In

Reserved for future use.

Hopper1 Empty
- Hopper7

Unblocked when there is no hopper installed in the specified hopper slot.

Tipper Cam

Blocked when the tipper heating element is in the up/idle position.

Tipper Grip

Blocked when a card just reaches the rollers on the exit ramp.

Tipper Exit

Blocked when a card just reaches the end of the exit ramp.