Clearing the raslog messages, Viewing and clearing the system messages, Viewing and clearing the dce messages – Brocade Network OS Message Reference v4.1.1 User Manual
Page 31: Viewing and clearing the, System messages, Viewing and, Clearing the dce messages, Displaying the system messages, Clearing the system messages, Displaying the dce messages
Network OS Message Reference
Viewing and clearing the RASLog messages
Clearing the RASLog messages
To clear the RASLog messages for a particular switch instance, perform the following steps.
1. Log in to the switch as admin.
2. Execute the clear logging raslog command to clear all messages from the switch.
Viewing and clearing the SYSTEM messages
This section provides information on viewing and clearing the SYSTEM messages saved on the
switch memory.
Displaying the SYSTEM messages
To display the messages saved in the SYSTEM storage repository, perform the following steps.
1. Log in to the switch as admin.
2. Enter the show logging raslog message-type SYSTEM command at the command line.
switch# show logging raslog message-type SYSTEM
NOS: v4.1.1
2011/09/14-04:52:05, [LOG-1003], 1,, INFO, VDX6720-60, SYSTEM error log has
been cleared.
2011/09/14-04:56:18, [DCM-1101], 2,, INFO, VDX6720-60, Copy running-config to
startup-config operation successful on this node.
2011/09/14-05:05:21, [RAS-1007], 5,, INFO, VDX6720-60, System is about to
Clearing the SYSTEM messages
To clear the messages saved in the SYSTEM storage repository, perform the following steps.
1. Log in to the switch as admin.
2. Execute the clear logging raslog message-type SYSTEM command to clear all system
messages from the local switch.
Viewing and clearing the DCE messages
This section provides information on viewing and clearing the DCE messages saved on the switch
Displaying the DCE messages
To display the saved DCE messages, perform the following steps.
1. Log in to the switch as admin.
2. Enter the show logging raslog message-type DCE command at the command line.
switch# show logging raslog message-type DCE