Adding and removing signals for display, Figure 118 active signals dialog box, Dding – Teledyne LeCroy TA700_800_850 User Manual User Manual

Page 146: Emoving, Ignals, Isplay

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Catalyst Enterprises, Inc.

Display Manipulation


Adding and Removing Signals for Display

All PCI bus signals are always captured and stored on disc, but may not necessarily be
displayed as default unless selected. For a signal to be viewed you must make sure that
it is included for display. The capability to add or remove signals from the display
offers you the ability to make the display less cluttered by including only the signals
of current interest.

All signals stored

Adding and removing signals is a display function only. All captured data
are saved in the output file on the hard disc and is available for display by
including the signal name on the setup screen.

To add a signal to an open display:

Click the Setup Screen button to open the Active Signals dialog box.

Figure 118 Active Signals Dialog Box

Find the signal to be added in the Remaining Signals area and click Add. To find
signals quicker the signals are grouped in several classifications. When you select a
group, all of the signals of that group display in the Remaining Signals window.
Conversely you may remove signals from the Active Signals window by highlighting
them and clicking Remove. When done click OK. The signals are always added to the
end of the display but they may be dragged by the mouse to the desired location in the
display for viewing.