Creating a new trace project, Setting trace options, Reating – Teledyne LeCroy TA700_800_850 User Manual User Manual

Page 125: Race, Roject, Etting, Ptions

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Saved Performance Analysis Review

Catalyst Enterprises, Inc.


Creating a New Trace Project

To create a new trace project you must define/program:

Trace Statistics Options.

Event Patterns

A sequencer program

Analysis Equations

An Exerciser Program

Setting Trace Options

Selecting Parameters

Select the parameters to be measured from the Analyze List Of shown in
“Trace Statistics Dialog Box” on page 110 Move the selected parameter
to the right window for software to perform interrogation on that
parameter during post processing by clicking the =>> button next to the
Of edit box. Parameters may be defined as minimum, average, maximum
or count and or percent depending on which unit applies. Parameters may
also be defined, if applicable, by address type.

Optimum Number of Samples Set the amount of data to be captured in the memory for post

processing for each interval. The larger the number of samples the more
time is required for downloading and processing, Therefore you should
select an optimum number of samples to be captured to memory such as
1000. This takes about one second to process. If your application requires
more data then a larger number should be entered.

Update Interval

If a small number of data samples is expected to be captured, say 1000,
and the application does not require repeated measurement, you may want
to sample data once every 5 or 10 seconds by changing the Update
Interval to 5 or 10 seconds as required. The larger of the two number of
data samples or faster update rate will be the dominating setup for data
capture time.

View List

Select the items you want to view on the display by highlighting and
clicking the items in the View List.

Display as Text

The report in text as well as graphics may be displayed on the screen
during run time by checking the Report box.

Save Measurements

All measurements may also be saved and reviewed later, select SAVE and
specify the output file name. The results may be viewed under view.