Zhivov09_ndx, Index – Retrotec USACE User Manual
Page 461
Action plan, developing, 13–14
Air barrier continuity
bottom of building, E7–E8
outside walls and openings, E12–E14
top of building, E2–E6
vertical shafts, E9–E11
Air leakage, measuring in large buildings
air barrier requirements, F2–F3
ASTM standard, F26–F32
balancing energy and air quality, F3
costs of uncontrolled air-leakage, F1
locating leakage sites, F18–F26
record set-up conditions, F15–F18
specifi er and witness guidance, F7–F10
testing agency guide, F10–F14
where buildings leak, F2
Assembly operations, lighting for, D118
ASTM standard, F26–F32
fl oor insulation in, D8
standing seam metal roofs with openings to, D9
Audits, energy. See Building Portfolio Energy Analysis
Balancing building energy uses
cooling energy consumption, H6–H7
cooling load, H3–H4
determining heating loads, H1
heating energy consumption, H4–H5
heating load due to infi ltration, H2–H3
heating load on ventilation, H2
heat losses through envelope, H2
HVAC cooling load, H4
infi ltration, heating energy consumption due to, H6
internal heat gains, H3–H5
ventilation, heating energy consumption of, H5–H6
Boiler systems
atomizing oil, use of steam for, D60–D61
blowdown water, hot, D54
boiler location remove from area served, D63
boiler tubes, not cleaned, D50
burners, dirty, D48
ineffi cient, D61
combustible gases in fl ue exhaust, D51–D52
condensate, failure to return, D44–D45
controls, inoperable, uncalibrated, or poorly adjusted,
cooling tower or river water used to condense exhaust
steam, D58
dampers, used to control air fl ows, D55
deaerator, overventing, D46
fl ue gases, excess oxygen in, D53–D54
fl ue gases, high temperature, D54
fuel oil too cold for good atomization, D61–D62
ineffi cient (less than 70% effi ciency), D60
pilots, continuously lit, D56
pipe insulation, poor, D47–D48
pressure greater than required by processes, D52
pressure-reducing valves, D59
refractory, damaged or missing, D51
stack damper, not automatic, D62
stream turbines, small ineffi cient, D57–D58
surface temperature of boiler, pipes, or other hot
surfaces, D55
unused areas, steam line serving, D53
vent gases released outdoors, D57
venting of steam, excessive, D52
water blowdown (over 5%), D44
water treatment, poor, D47
Building automation
controls, inoperable, uncalibrated, or poorly adjusted,
equipment operating when not needed, D41–D42
free cooling, not using, D40
overheating spaces, D41
simultaneous heating and cooling, D40
temperature resets, not using, D41
undercooling spaces, D41
unused spaces, heating or cooling, D40
Building energy assessment, use of thermography in. See
Thermography in building energy assessment
Note: Page numbers followed by “t” or an “f” indicate the reference is to a table or fi gure, respectively.