Retrotec USACE User Manual

Page 407

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Appendix L L7

3.1.6 Insulate water storage tanks.
3.1.7 Use energy-effi cient direct-contact water heating systems (98% effi cient).
3.1.8 Use heat pump water heaters.
3.1.9 Use smaller water heaters for seasonal requirements.

3.1.10 Heat recovery for water heating.
3.1.11 Install water-loop heat pump systems.
3.1.12 Reclaim heat from waste water.
3.1.13 Install solar heating where applicable.
3.1.14 Dishwashers, replacement: Install low-temperature dishwashers that sanitize primarily

through the use of chemical agents rather than high water temperatures.

3.1.15 Dishwashers, retrofi t: Install electric eye or sensor systems in conveyor-type machines

so that the presence of dishes moving along the conveyor activates the water fl ow.

3.1.16 Eliminate all single-pass water use.
3.1.17 Dishwashers, operational modifi cations: Limit water temperature and fl ow rate settings

to manufacturer’s recommendations. To avoid compromising the sanitation process, do
not set water temperature below 82.2 °C (180 °F).

3.1.18 Reduce hot water consumption.
3.1.19 Reduce operating hours for water heating systems.
3.1.20 Install gray water heat recovery from showers, dishwashers, washing machines.

3.2 Water Conservation

3.2.1 Replace faucet (with units that have infrared sensors or automatic shutoff).
3.2.2 Install irrigation control systems.
3.2.3 Install subsurface irrigation.
3.2.4 Install water fl ow restrictors on shower heads and faucets.
3.2.5 Install automated watering systems for landscaping, golf courses, and so forth.
3.2.6 Install covers on swimming pools and tanks.
3.2.7 Install devices to reduce the time fl ushometers let water fl ow.
3.2.8 Install devices to save hot water by pumping water in the distribution lines back to the

water heater so hot water is not washed—for use in BOQs and homes.

3.2.9 Install industrial waste/sewage metering.

3.2.10 Install water metering.
3.2.11 Landscape irrigation: Install irrigation timers to schedule sprinkler use to off-peak,

night, or early morning hours, when water rates are cheaper and water used is less
likely to evaporate.

3.2.12 Landscape irrigation: Use low-fl ow sprinkler heads instead of turf sprinklers in areas

with plants, trees, and shrubs.

3.2.13 Landscape irrigation: Use sprinkler controls employing soil tensiometers or electric

moisture sensors to help determine when soil is dry and to gauge the amount of water