Zhivov09_app_n, Appendix n continuous/ongoing commissioning, N.1 about continuous commissioning – Retrotec USACE User Manual
Page 431
Appendix N
Continuous/Ongoing Commissioning
N.1 About Continuous Commissioning
The “Continuous Commissioning Guidebook” of the FEMP (“Continuous
Commissioning Guidebook”, Claridge et. al., Energy Systems Laboratory,
Texas A&M University, Federal Energy Management Program, USA, 2002
http://eber.ed.ornl.gov/commercialproducts/contcx.htm) gives the following
defi nition for continuous commissioning (CC):
“Continuous Commissioning is an ongoing process to resolve operating
problems, improve comfort, optimize energy use and identify retrofi ts for ex-
isting commercial and institutional buildings and central plant facilities.”
It is presumed that the CC is performed and managed by a professional
Commissioning Provider that is usually a contractor of the building owner.
Furthermore, the CC process is split in two phases:
Phase1: Project Development
This phase comprises the identifi cation of buildings to undergo the CC
process and a fi rst pre-scanning. The pre-scanning includes a check of
de-sign documents and available energy measurements on whole build-
ing level.
Furthermore, the owners requirements are defi ned and the avail-
ability of in-house staff is checked.
Phase 2: Implementation and Verifi cation
Phase can be further split into six steps:
Develop the CC plan and form the project team
A detailed plan with the major tasks concerning measurements, anal-
ysis and a time schedule are developed. The in-house staff or owners
representative involved in the project must be identifi ed.
Develop performance baselines
Document existing energy performance, system conditions and all
known comfort problems. Development of a metering plan.
Conduct system measurements and develop CC measures
Identify current operation schedules, set points and problems, de-
velop solutions to existing problems, Develop improved operation
and control schedules and set points, identify potential cost-effective
energy retrofi t measures.