Retrotec USACE User Manual
Page 165
Appendix D D35
D.2.3.10 Water Leaks from Piping System (Waste)
Figure D58. Repaired leaking pipe segment in
underground distribution system.
Any leak results in a waste of energy and the water resource. To distribute water
through a distribution system requires a pump to move the water. A leak causes
extra water to be pumped so that water users obtain the quantity they need. In
addition, a leak wastes the chemicals used to treat the water, since extra water is
consumed. Leaks can occur at pipe fi ttings (Figure D58), gaskets in the piping
system, packing in valves and pumps, and in corroded pipe and holes in fl exible
pipe. The amount of energy lost by a leak depends on the system pressure and
the leak size.
D.2.3.11 Steam Leaks from Piping Systems (Waste)
Figure D59. Steam leak at pipe fi tting.
Any leak in a steam system results in a waste of energy (Figure D59). Since
steam is a gas, there is no evidence of the leak other than whatever steam
plume is visible at the leak site. Exposure to these leaks can be harmful to the