Retrotec USACE User Manual

Page 421

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Appendix L L21

8.2.2 Adjust the temperature of the cold air supply from air-conditioner or heat pump or the

cold water supplied by the chiller (a –16.7 to –16.1 °C (2–3 °F) adjustment can bring
3–5% energy savings).

8.2.3 Test and repair leaks in equipment and refrigerant lines.
8.2.4 Upgrade ineffi cient chillers.

8.3 Fuel-Fired Heating System Maintenance

8.3.3 Clean and adjust boiler or furnace.
8.3.4 Check combustion effi ciency by measuring carbon dioxide and oxygen concentrations

and temperature of stack gases; make any necessary adjustments.

8.3.5 Remove accumulated soot from boiler tubes and heat transfer surfaces.
8.3.6 Install a fuel-effi cient burner.
8.3.7 Upgrade fuel-burning equipment.
8.3.8 Install a more effi cient burner.
8.3.9 Install an automatic fl ue damper to close the fl ue when not fi ring.

8.3.10 Install turbulators to improve heat transfer effi ciency in older fi re tube boilers.
8.3.11 Install an automatic combustion control system to monitor the combustion of exit gases

and adjust the intake air for large boilers.

8.3.12 Insulate hot boiler surfaces.
8.3.13 Install electric ignitions instead of pilot lights.