F.10 air leakage test form – Retrotec USACE User Manual
Page 313

Appendix F F19
air leaks can be observed from the inside using infrared thermography and smoke generation. The
manipulation of the HVAC system is required to perform an effective infrared thermography scan to
achieve a temperature differential of at least 10 °F (5.5
An Infrared Training Center (ITC) Level I Certifi ed Infrared Thermographer is required by
this protocol to perform the infrared diagnostic evaluation. Anomalies such as thermal bridges and
emissivity refl ections are commonly mistaken as air leakage. The testing agency must employ certi-
fi ed thermographers with experience in building enclosures and building physics to achieve accurate
diagnoses and to make effective recommendations to the design-build contractor in the event of
failure and repair.
In general, when locating leaks, the door fan should be adjusted to establish a minimum of +25 Pa
pressure differential to use smoke and infrared while viewing the building from outdoors. A pressure
differential of -25 Pa should be used for using infrared from the interior. Additional information is
required in the diagnostic evaluation in accordance with ASTM E1186.
F.10 Air Leakage Test Form
Building name:
Building address: _______________________________________
Prime Contractor: ______________________________________ Contact: _________
Testing agency:
Testing Agency Contact: ___________________________________ Phone: _________
Lead on-site personnel: ___________________________________ Phone: _________
Test date: ____________________________________________
Name Organization
Testing agency to provide a Compact Disk (CD) with digital photographs of subject building, setup,
test procedures, and diagnostic evaluation.