Retrotec USACE User Manual
Page 212
lubricant-cooled compressor to remove the lubricant from the air stream.
To capture the liquid droplets, changes in the direction of fl ow, dropping
the rate of fl ow, or coalescing pads are used. The components of a separator
can get dirty and impede air fl ow, causing a greater pressure drop. Separa-
tors need to be inspected when the pressure drop across them increases
signifi cantly.
D.4.3.7 Inoperable, Uncalibrated, or Poorly Adjusted Controls
(Ineffi ciency)
Figure D134. Well-maintained control system.
Compressor system controls are needed to regulate the operation of the
air compressors to changes in the demand of compressed air by the equip-
ment in use (Figure D134). The controls stop the operation or cause the
compressor to unload. The compressed air line pressure is monitored by
the compressed air controls to regulate the compressor operation. When
the system pressure drops to a certain value the controls increase the activ-
ity of the air compressors. When the system pressure increases to selected
higher pressure (approximately 68.9 kPa (10 psi) more), compressor activ-
ity is reduced by the controls. Poorly performing controls result in higher
pressure than necessary or in insuffi cient pressure. This results in energy
waste and at times poor performance of the equipment powered by the
compressed air.