Retrotec USACE User Manual
Page 138
D.1.2.4 Ceiling and Internal Walls Surfaces Are Painted in Dark
Colors (Waste)
Figure D12. Walls and ceiling of the
nonconditioned maintenance facility high
bay painted in dark colors.
Dark internal surfaces of the building envelope result in excessive cooling load
or discomfort to workers due to higher radiant heat exchange (Figure D12).
D.1.2.5 Poor Attic Floor Insulation and Sealing (Waste)
Figure D13. Poor insulation and air pass
through the attic fl oor.
Excessive heat losses from and gains to the top fl oor spaces due to low R-value
in attic fl oors (Figure D13) can result in increased sensible loads on heating
and cooling systems and discomfort for those residing or working on the top
fl oor. Appendix E includes further information on air leakage pathways and
their sealing.