Retrotec DU200 DucTester Testing Procedures to meet EnergyStar Standards User Manual
Retrotec Measuring instruments

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Total measured duct leakage to meet ENERGY STAR standards
1. With air-handler off, connect DucTester with
Mid-Range plate, and seal registers.
2. On the DM-2* digital gauge:
a. Press [Mode] until “cfm/100ft
” appears.
If unavailable, press [Setup], “Mode Setup”.
b. Press [Device] to get “Retrotec DU200”
c. Press [Range Config] to get "Mid".
*See page 4 for Setup instructions.
3. Press [Enter
], input the conditioned floor
area, press [Enter], for each house.
4. Press [Set Pressure] [25] [Enter].
5. Press the [@] key until “@ 25 Pa” is displayed.
6. Leakage must be corrected if above 6.
Measure leakage to outdoors if above 4.
CFM at 25 Pa per 100 sq. ft.
Floor area, sq. ft.
>8 fail, >5 test to outdoors
Less than 1200
>6 fail, >4 test to outdoors
More than 1200
This test measures
total duct leakage in
CFM25 per 100 sq. ft.
of conditioned floor
Pink denotes
pressurized area