Retrotec USACE User Manual
Page 382
Figure J4. AHU Tuning Graphic: simple, requires only six adjustments. Set points for fan speed,
return air temperature, static pressure and supply air temperature are adjusted when loads are
increasing and decreasing.
This screen lets you set
the level of importance
for each AHU – a lab unit
gets greater weight than
a less critical unit, the
further out units get
more weight than the
close in units, and big
AHU’s get more weight
than smaller AHU’s.
Figure J5. AHU Setup Screen.
J.5 Use High-Effi ciency Dehumidifi cation Strategy
When air handling units are being replaced, or where there is a need for dry,
nonsaturated supply air, the installation of high-effi ciency dehumidifi cation
systems, in either dedicated outdoor air system (DOAS) or variable air volume
(VAV) design iterations, should be utilized.
Although the airside of the HVAC systems is not a direct chiller plant energy
effi ciency project, the design and operation of the airside has a substantial
impact on the performance of the chiller plant. The chiller plant is operated
to respond to the needs of the end uses (the air handlers serving the occupied
spaces), so if the end use air handlers are ineffi cient at transferring heat due to