Zhivov09_app_g – Retrotec USACE User Manual
Page 331
Appendix G
Use of Thermography in Building Energy Assessment
Infrared (IR) thermography is used for many applications: historically, for con-
dition monitoring of electrical and mechanical equipment, and for locating
“hot spots” that may indicate a future failure, thus enabling the thermographer
to schedule a repair before a failure. The recent decrease in camera cost, avail-
ability of training in building science thermography, and increase in experi-
enced building thermographers have facilitated the rapid acceptance of IR
as a major tool for building evaluations. When performing a building energy
assessment, IR thermography reveals details of the performance of buildings
and building structure not viewable without its use. Below is a list of IR ther-
mography’s many uses in buildings for both building science thermography
and condition monitoring. Table G1 also describes IR thermography’s applica-
tions in energy optimization.
Building science thermography:
Insulation conditions: qualitative analysis of building insulating condi-
Evaluating the thermal characteristics of the building envelope, detect-
ing thermal bridging or excessive heat loss areas
Locating air leaks on both the exterior and interior of the building enve-
Evaluating double- and triple-pane windows
Detecting moisture intrusion: fl oor, walls, ceiling, roof
Locating building components—i.e., pipes, ventilation ducts, anchors,
grout fi ll
Examining the performance of HVAC systems: duct/pipe insulation
defects, pipe system, supply system heat/cooling, heat exchangers, con-
trol unit function
Plumbing: steam traps, piping insulation, pressure and drain system
evaluation, pipe locating, locating leaks