Retrotec USACE User Manual
Page 270
D.7.10.12 Ineffi cient Positioning of Appliances at the Wall Results
in Heat, Grease, and Smoke/Vapor Spillage or Increase Exhaust
and Makeup Air Flow Rates (Ineffi ciency)
Figure D229. Gap between the kitchen equipment
and the wall.
Figure D230. Heat, grease, and smoke/vapor spillage
due to poor hood positioning near the wall (top left),
appliances are pushed back against the wall (top
Often appliances are positioned at the very edge of the virtual plane of the
exhaust hood’s face. The gap between the appliances and the back wall (Figure
D229), as well as negligible hood overhang, will compromise the hood’s abil-
ity to capture and contain the appliance’s exhaust plumes. The spillage of heat
into the kitchen space (Figure D230) ultimately increases cooling costs. Simply
pushing the appliances back against the back wall can signifi cantly improve
performance of the exhaust hood.