Retrotec USACE User Manual

Page 402

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1.4 Windows

1.4.1 Replace single-pane and leaky windows with thermal windows to minimize cooling and

heating loss.

1.4.2 Install exterior shading such as blinds or awnings to cut down on heat loss and to re-

duce heat gain.

1.4.3 Install interior shading.
1.4.4 Install operable windows.
1.4.5 Install storm windows and multiple glazed windows.
1.4.6 Use tinted or refl ective glazing or fi lms.
1.4.7 Adopt weatherization/fenestration improvements.
1.4.8 Consider replacing exterior windows with insulated glass block when visibility is not re-

quired but light is required.

1.4.9 Use refl ective solar window tinting.

1.4.10 Landscape/plant trees to create shade and reduce air-conditioning loads.

1.5 Doors

1.5.1 Prevent heat loss through doors by draft sealing and thermal insulation. The potential

heat loss due to air infi ltration is, however, far higher than due to poor thermal insula-

1.5.2 Add revolving doors or construct vestibules at primary exterior personnel doors.
1.5.3 Install automatic doors, air curtains, strip doors, and so forth at high-traffi c passages be-

tween conditioned and nonconditioned spaces. Use self-closing doors if possible.

1.5.4 Install vestibules/airlocks for large doors at vehicle entrances/loading areas.
1.5.5 Install doors/seals in loading dock areas.
1.5.6 Install high-speed doors between heated/cooled building space and unconditioned

space in the areas with high-traffi c passages.

1.5.7 Install separate smaller doors for people near the area of large doors for vehicles.
1.5.8 Install windbreaks near exterior doors.
1.5.9 Keep doors of air-conditioned spaces closed when HVAC system is running.

1.5.10 Use physical barriers on single-door industrial loading bays to the outside during cold

and hot weather. Physical barrier consists of overlapping heavy plastic or rubber fl aps
that have to be physically moved aside.

1.5.11 Install air curtain on a single external door where space restrictions or other consider-

ations result in a single external door. Use tempered (heated or cooled) air jets or un-
heated/uncoiled indoor air curtains to prevent cold/hot air from entering.

1.5.12 Install/repair brush seals on revolving or single external doors.

1.6. Air Leakage (see Appendix E)

1.6.1 Seal top of building.
1.6.2 Seal bottom of building.
1.6.3 Seal vertical shafts and stairways.
1.6.4 Seal outside walls and openings.
1.6.5 Compartmentalize garage doors, mechanical and vented internal and special-purpose
