Retrotec USACE User Manual
Page 414
6 Electric Systems, Motors, Pumps, Fans
6.1 Correct power factors.
6.2 Install energy-effi cient transformers.
6.3 Install electrical meters.
6.4 Investigate cutting impellers on pumps to match loads.
6.5 Motor replacement with high effi ciency motors >10 HP.
6.6 Power factor correction depending on tariff considerations.
6.7 Reduce power system losses.
6.8 Reduce demand charges through load shedding, operational changes, and procedural
6.9 Replace refrigerators with high-effi ciency units.
6.10 Replace oversized electric motors.
6.11 Replace transformers with amorphous type transformers.
6.12 Use emergency generators during load shedding.
6.13 Use variable frequency drives (VFDs) with variable load.
6.14 Reduce plug loads, using devices to shut off equipment not being used.
6.15 Reduce sewage pumping/sewage reduction.
6.16 Replace air-driven motors with electric motors.
6.17 Replace existing electric motors with premium-effi ciency motors (often a better choice
than rewinding motors).
6.18 Use blower/fans instead of compressed air for cooling, drying, or blow-off operations.
6.19 Use energy-effi cient air blowoff nozzles.
6.20 Use energy-effi cient v-belts for air compressors.
6.21 Check belt tension on electric motors.
6.22 Check for oversized pumps that currently operate with a discharge valve in a throttled
condition, to lower system pressure.
6.23 Use emergency generators for peak electric load shaving.
6.24 Use timer switches to turn off process equipment.
7 Process Systems
7.0 General Process Improvement
7.0.1 Reduce operating cost by optimizing the process.
7.0.2 Reduce cost of product or service by eliminating waste.
7.0.3 Optimize maintenance costs to increase capacity utilization.
7.0.4 Increase process throughput by reducing cycle times.
7.0.5 Optimize yields by reducing off-specifi cation product.
7.0.6 Reduce scrap/wastage/breakage by modifying the process causes.
7.0.7 Reduce rework by not taking shortcuts that make rework.
7.0.8 Reduce downtime by optimizing planning and scheduling.