Retrotec USACE User Manual
Page 418
7.4.14 Use built-in fi xture exhaust system for repetitive arc and resistance manual and robotic
welding operations. Design system to reduce exhaust air volume and increase capture
effectiveness of fumes generated during and after welding operations (requires co-oper-
ation of process and ventilation engineers).
7.4.15 Install demand-based exhaust system for weld fumes control in shops with variable
work load and welding processes with duty cycle below 70%.
7.5 Vacuum Systems
7.6 Assembly
7.7 Foundry
7.8 Furnace Operations
7.9 Storage
7.9.1 Use automatic “speed” doors operating via motion sensor.
7.9.2 Use dock seals for truck docks.
7.9.3 Use natural daylighting whenever possible and turn lights on only when needed.
7.10 Catering Facilities
7.10.1 Food storage. Locate refrigerators and freezers away from heat sources. Minimize
frequency of opening refrigerators and freezers. Never put hot food in refrigerators.
Adopt a planned defrosting program. Check door/lid seals and replace as necessary.
Replace old equipment with new effi cient models. Install motor controls to improve
compressor effi ciency at low loads.
7.10.2 Food cooking and serving. Minimize preheating time for ovens, fryers, and other
equipment. Switch off ovens before the end of the cooking time. Minimize hot storage
of cooked food. Keep hot plates and gas burners clean. Introduce regular servicing of
cooking appliances, including thermostats and automatic timers. Install energy-effi cient
and effective cooking appliances. Select induction hobs. Select equipment sizes ap-
propriate to task. Consider batch cooking to optimize use of cooking appliances. Install
microwave ovens to cook and reheat meals.
7.10.3 Air extraction equipment. Install energy effi cient ventilation hoods. Locate hoods di-
rectly over ovens, fryers, and grills, which need air extraction. Coordinate layout of
kitchen hoods and ductwork with cooking equipment layout and process. Switch on ex-
tract systems only when required, and switch off as soon as possible. Clean fi lters, grills,
and fan blades regularly to prevent grease buildup. Close external doors when operat-
ing extract fans.
7.10.4 Dishwashers, replacement: Install low-temperature dishwashers that sanitize primarily
through the use of chemical agents rather than high water temperatures.
7.10.5 Dishwashers, retrofi t: Install electric eye or sensor systems in conveyor-type machines
so that the presence of dishes moving along the conveyor activates the water fl ow.
7.10.6 Eliminate all single-pass water use.
7.10.7 Dishwashers, operational modifi cations: Limit water temperature and fl ow rate settings
to manufacturer’s recommendations. To avoid compromising the sanitation process, do
not set water temperature below 82.2 °C (180 °F).