Retrotec USACE User Manual
Page 144
Solar radiation increases sensible load and negatively affects thermal and visual
comfort. In winter, cold radiation and large cold surfaces creating downward-
projected cold convective currents that impair comfort in the perimeter zone
and reduce productivity or space utilization. Typically, problems are gaps in the
frame and operable windows that are not closed tight, both of which result in
a signifi cant air leakage.
Figure D22. Example of translucent wall panel, which is more insulated than windows and
allows light through without being vision-transparent: (a) outside and (b) inside view.
One option in industrial or maintenance facilities is to replace large win-
dows with translucent panels (Figure D22).
D.1.4.5 Large Single-Pane Windows in Residential and Offi ce
Buildings (Waste)
Figure D23. Example of an offi ce building
with excessive wall area fi lled with single-
pane windows.
Excessive heat losses and gains due to roof low R-value (Figure D23) can result
in increased sensible load on heating and cooling systems. Single-pane win-
dows installed in air-conditioned offi ces in humid climates can result in con-
densation on the external surface. Also, windows facing south and southeast
that are not protected by shading from direct sun rays can create a consider-
able glare problem.