Toa D-2000 Series User Manual
Page 61

Gate function settings
If you click the Automix box, the screen of the "GATE" tab is first displayed.
For Gate function, see
p. 152
[Automix box]
Gate ON/OFF button
Gate status indicator
Automix Group display
Click the "Gate All" tab. The setting screen for all channels is then displayed.
7.3.5. Automix view (Auto-mixing Function* Settings)
Clicking the Automix box in the Input Flow view displays the Automix view in the Contents View, containing
the AutomixGroup display, Gate ON/OFF button and Gate Status indicator. The box and Contents view
displays are interlocked, allowing the same Gate ON/OFF setting to be performed from either of the two.
* For Auto-mixing function, see
p. 152
Parts (1) through (10) are explained on
the next page
or later.