Apple Motion 5.1.1 User Manual

Page 737

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Chapter 18



Tip: You can use the Link parameter behavior to set the numbers to show values of any
parameter used in your project. In some cases, the number display may appear at a scaled rate.
In other cases, the number display may be translated into another form (such as a percentage).
For example, if you use the Link behavior to link to the value of a point light’s Falloff parameter,
the number is scaled by a factor of .1 and the Intensity parameter is displayed as a percentage.
You can scale and offset the value of the linked parameter using the Scale slider in the
Behavior Inspector. To convert the number to a different format, use the Format pop-up
menu in the Numbers generator. For more information about the Link behavior, see



page 336.

End: A slider that sets the ending number for the generator. Slider values range from 0 to 100.
For negative numbers or numbers greater than 100, use the value slider (to the right of the
slider). Default values are based on the project. For example, when the Numbers generator is
added to a default project of 300 frames, the Start value is 0 and the End value is 300. If the
End value is set to 200, a range of 0 to 200 is counted over the 300 frames.

Format: A pop-up menu that specifies the format of displayed numbers. There are seven

Number: Numbers are used in the generator.

Currency: Currency is used for the generator. The default is U.S. dollars. To change to another
currency, chose an option in the Region pop-up menu.

Percent: Percentages are used for the generator.

Scientific: Scientific numbers are used for the generator.

Spell Out: Numbers are spelled out in the generator.

Binary: The binary numeral system is used for the generator. The binary system uses two
symbols (0 and 1) to represent numeric values.

Hexadecimal: Hexadecimal numerals are used for the generator. This system uses 16 symbols.
The symbols 0 to 9 represent the numbers 0 to 9, and the letters A through F represent 10
to 15.

Tip: When using Hexadecimal or Binary formats, inputs of very large numbers are required to
create change in every character in the generator. For example, if the default Start and End
values of 1 and 300 are used (in a default project of 300 frames), only the last two or three
digits appear animated in the Hexadecimal format.

If a number such as 4,294,967,296 is used, nearly all characters are animated.

Decimals: A slider, available when Number, Currency, Percent, or Scientific is chosen from the
Format pop-up menu, that sets the number of decimal places.

Capitalize: A checkbox, available only when Spell Out is chosen from the Format pop-up menu,
that displays initial uppercase letters.

67% resize factor