Apple Motion 5.1.1 User Manual

Page 136

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Chapter 5

User interface controls


The narrow, white top bar (the opacity bar) controls opacity and transparency in the gradient.
Adjust the spread of opacity across the gradient by dragging one of the small box-shaped
opacity tags horizontally along the bar. Click in the opacity bar to add opacity tags, creating a
gradient with varying levels of transparency. Delete an opacity tag by dragging it away from
the color bar. Change the value of an opacity tag by selecting it and dragging the Opacity
slider (described below).
Opacity tags have a value range of 0% (completely transparent) to 100% (completely opaque).
Adjust the transition between two opacity tags by dragging the middle control—a small
triangle between adjacent tags, available when Interpolation is set to Continuous (described
below). By default, the opacity of a gradient applied to text is 100%.
The wide middle bar shows a preview of the current gradient.
The narrow bottom bar (the gradient bar) controls color in the gradient. Adjust the spread
of color across the gradient by dragging one of the small box-shaped color tags horizontally
along the bar. Click in the gradient bar to add more color tags. Delete a color tag by dragging
it away from the gradient bar. Change the value of a color tag by selecting it and choosing a
color from the color well below, or by double-clicking the tag and choosing a color from the
Colors window. Adjust the transition between color tags by dragging the middle control—a
small triangle between adjacent tags, available when Interpolation is set to Continuous
(described below).
Selecting a color tag activates the Color and Location controls (described below). Selecting an
opacity tag activates the Opacity slider (described below). Selecting a middle control activates
the Middle slider (described below).

Color: A color well and eyedropper that sets the hue of a selected color tag in the gradient bar.
For more information about color wells, see

Basic color controls

on page 132.

Opacity: A slider that sets the transparency of a selected opacity tag in the opacity bar. Values
range from 0% (completely transparent) to 100% (completely opaque).

Interpolation: A pop-up menu that sets the interpolation of a selected color tag or opacity tag.
There are three options:

Linear: Creates a uniform distribution of opacity or color between the tags.

Continuous: Sets an adjustable rate of change between adjacent opacity or color tags. Adjust
the rate of change by dragging a middle control in the opacity bar or gradient bar, or by
dragging the Middle slider (described below).

Constant: Creates a constant color distribution from the color or opacity tag, moving from
left to right in the gradient. For example, if the left color tag is set to Constant, the area of
the gradient between that tag and the next one to the right is a single, solid color.

Tag set to Continuous

Tag set to Linear

Tag set to Constant

Middle: A slider that duplicates the function of the middle controls in the opacity bar and
gradient bar, adjusting the transition point between opacity tags or color tags. When you
select a middle control, the Middle slider becomes available.

Location: A slider that adjusts the location of a selected opacity tag or color tag.

Type: A pop-up menu that lets you choose a linear or radial gradient.

67% resize factor