Apple Motion 5.1.1 User Manual
Page 72

Chapter 2
Introduction to the Motion interface
Link icon: Appears when the layer has a corresponding audio element, such as a multichannel
QuickTime file. To unlink the video and audio (to edit them separately), click the link icon.
When they are unlinked, a red slash appears through the icon.
2D/3D icon: Switches a group between 2D or 3D mode. The same icon appears at the left of
the group name and indicates the 2D/3D status of the group. Layers cannot be 2D or 3D—
they are always 2D elements in a 2D or 3D group.
Lock icon: Locks an object to prevent changes from affecting that object. Locking a group
prevents changes to layers and effects in that group. When the lock is disabled, its icon
appears open.
Opacity slider: Displays the opacity (transparency) of the group or layer. You can adjust the
slider to change the item’s opacity. This slider is not displayed by default. To display the
Opacity slider in the Layers list, choose View > Layers Columns > Opacity.
Blend Mode pop-up menu: Displays the blend mode of the layer or group. Click the pop-up
menu to choose a blend mode. You can turn the display of the blend mode pop-up menu
on or off in the Layers Columns section of the View menu. This pop-up menu is not displayed
by default. To display the Blend Mode pop-up menu in the Layers list, choose View > Layers
Columns > Blend Modes. For more information on blend modes, see
on page 231.
Add or remove items from the Layers list
Use the Layers list to add and remove items from the project.
Add an item via the Layers list
Drag an object from the File Browser or Library to a group in the Layers list.
For more information, see
on page 158.
Create a group in the Layers list
Do one of the following:
Click the Add button (+) in the lower-left corner of the Project pane.
Choose Object > New Group (or press Shift-Command-N).
An empty group is added above the current group.
Note: You can also create groups when dragging files to the Layers list from the File Browser or
Library. For more information, see
on page 163.
Remove an object from the Layers list
Do one of the following:
Control-click the object to remove, then choose Cut or Delete from the shortcut menu.
Select the object to remove, then choose Edit > Delete (or press Delete) or Edit > Cut.
The object is removed. This action removes the object from the Canvas as well.
Note: If you delete a media file (an imported image, image sequence, audio file, or QuickTime
movie) from the project, the file is also removed from the Media list unless “Automatically
manage unused media” is deselected in the General pane of Motion Preferences. When this
setting is turned off, media files are deleted from the Layers list (and Canvas) but remain in
the project in the Media list. Drag an item from the Media list into the Canvas to add it to the
Layers list.
67% resize factor