Apple Motion 5.1.1 User Manual

Page 1028

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Chapter 23



Audio Graph: A graph displaying a visual representation of the Source Audio data analyzed by
the behavior per frame.

During playback initiated by the Play button beneath the Audio Graph, the selected Source
Audio data appears. If audio analysis is being performed, a progress bar appears in the Audio
Graph area.
Set Low Frequency, High Frequency, Floor, and Ceiling values by dragging the small tags along
the bottom or right side of the graph. Alternatively, you can set these values numerically using
the four sliders underneath the graph to isolate specific frequencies and values for analysis:

Low Frequency: A slider that sets the low frequency threshold of audio analysis. Only audio
frequencies above this value are analyzed. Values range from 1 Hz to 22,050 Hz.

High Frequency: A slider that sets the high frequency threshold of audio analysis. Only audio
frequencies below this value are analyzed. Values range from 1 Hz to 22,050 Hz.

Floor: A slider that sets the minimum value of audio input, below which results are ignored.
Values range from 0 to 1.

Ceiling: A slider that sets the maximum value of audio input, above which results are ignored.
Values range from 0 to 1.

Smoothness: A slider that sets the window size to smooth the result curve. Any value other
than 0 triggers a keyframe reduction with an error tolerance of 1%. Values range from 0 to 10.
This parameter is only available if Respond To is set to Amplitude.
Note: Depending on your audio file, Smoothness values greater than 7 may result in audio
playing out of sync.

Sensitivity: A slider that sets the sensitivity of the transient detection. Values range from 0% to
100%. This parameter is only available if Respond To is set to Transients.

Channel: A pop-up menu that sets the audio channel to analyze. Choose Mix/Mono, Left,
or Right.
Note: With a multichannel audio file used as a source, Mix/Mono must be selected for audio
analysis to be performed properly.

Peaks: A pop-up menu that sets the way the key points are linked when drawing the peak
curves generated by the audio analysis. Choose Sharp, Smooth, Square, or Continuous.
The different peak types are described in the list below.
Note: The examples below are for reference only. Because the audio behavior does not
generate peak keyframes, you won’t see keyframes in the Keyframe Editor.

Sharp: Each peak of the animation curve is described by three keyframes with a straight line
drawn between them. A selected keyframe has no tangent handles.

67% resize factor