Collapse and expand groups and layers, Lock timeline tracks – Apple Motion 5.1.1 User Manual

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Chapter 8



Regardless of the Timebar Display setting, tracks for cameras, lights, behaviors, and filters are
labeled with names only. When the Timebar Display is set to Filmstrip, computer processing time
is increased.

Collapse and expand groups and layers

Motion lets you collapse and expand different parts of the Timeline layers list to show more or
less data to accommodate different working styles. Layers with applied masks, filters, and other
objects can be collapsed to hide those effects bars. Furthermore, whole groups can be collapsed
to hide all objects contained in them.

When a layer or group is collapsed in this manner, it still appears in the Canvas. Unlike enabling
or disabling tracks, collapsing and expanding the Timeline layers list is only an organizational
tool to help manage the view of the Timeline.

Disclosure triangle

Collapse or expand a layer or group in the Timeline


Click the disclosure triangle to the left of the layer or group name. If no disclosure triangle is
present, that object cannot be collapsed or expanded any further.

Lock Timeline tracks

Occasionally, you might want to prevent changes to an item. The lock icon at the right edge
of the Timeline layers list lets you lock an object and prevent any changes from affecting that
object. An object that is locked in the Timeline also appears locked in the Layers list in the
Project pane.

Lock icon

Hash marks indicate

track is locked.

When an item is locked, the colored bar in the track area appears with a hash-mark pattern.
Locked tracks still appear in the Canvas and are included in your final output. Although you
cannot make changes to a locked object, you can still copy or duplicate that object or change
the object’s layer order.

Lock a track


Click the lock icon at the right edge of the Timeline layers list.

67% resize factor