Apple Motion 5.1.1 User Manual

Page 689

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Chapter 17

Animated text


Format: Choose any of eight Format parameters from the submenu: Position, Opacity, Scale,
Rotation, Tracking, Baseline, Slant, or Character Offset. Except for Character Offset, these
parameters are also found in the Format pane of the Text Inspector. (For more information
on text format parameters, see

Text Format pane

on page 627.)

Choose the Character Offset option to offset characters alphabetically or numerically. The
amount of the offset is determined by the value set in the parameter. In the following
illustrations, Character Offset and Position are sequenced. The Character Offset Value is 3. The
words move in sequence from the character offset value to form the original words, “offset 123.”

When you choose Format > Character Offset from the Add pop-up menu, the Character Set
pop-up menu appears in the Behaviors Inspector. There are two menu options: Preserve Case
& Digits and Full Unicode. Choose Preserve Case & Digits to ensure that offset characters
respect the case and number of the original text. For example, with this option selected, an
uppercase letter remains uppercase as other letters cycle through its position.
Note: Using the onscreen controls to manipulate the scale, position, or rotation of the text
unit adds Format parameters to the Sequence Text behavior. For more information on using
onscreen controls to sequence text, see

Use the From Keyframes sequencing option


page 685.

Face: Choose any of four Face parameters for sequencing: Color, Opacity, Blur, or Four Corner.
For more information on text face parameters, see

Text Face controls in the Style pane


page 633.

Outline: Choose any of six Outline parameters for sequencing: Color, Opacity, Blur, Width,
Layer Order, or Four Corner. For more information on text outline parameters, see


controls in the Style pane

on page 645.

Glow: Choose any of eight Glow parameters for sequencing: Color, Opacity, Blur, Radius,
Scale, Offset, Layer Order, or Four Corner. For more information on text glow parameters, see

Glow controls in the Style pane

on page 647.

Drop Shadow: Choose any of seven Drop Shadow parameters for sequencing: Color, Opacity,
Blur, Scale, Distance, Angle, and Four Corner. For more information on text drop shadow
parameters, see

Drop Shadow controls in the Style pane

on page 648.

Sequencing controls
These parameters control how the sequencing occurs. Specify the direction, scope, and speed of
the sequencing action, and what happens when the sequencing action reaches the end of your
text object.

Sequencing: Use this pop-up menu to set how the sequence animation moves through the text
unit. (A text unit can be a character, word, line, or an entire text object, as set in the Animate
pop-up menu, described below.) There are five items in the Sequencing pop-up menu:

To: The animation begins at the original parameter value and moves to the value set in the
sequence behavior. For example, if the original opacity value is 100% and opacity is set to
0% in the Sequence Text parameters, the text unit begins completely opaque and becomes
completely transparent.

67% resize factor