Apple Motion 5.1.1 User Manual

Page 431

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Chapter 11

Final Cut Pro X templates


When the Build Out checkbox is selected in the Final Cut Pro Inspector, frames between the
Build Out – Optional marker and the end of the project play at the duration specified in the
Motion project. When the checkbox is deselected, frames before the marker are time-stretched
and frames after the marker are not played.

When the Build Out

checkbox is deselected in

the Final Cut Pro Inspector,

this section is time-stretched.

Build Out – Optional marker

The outro section is played only when

the Build Out checkbox is selected in

the Final Cut Pro Inspector.

Project Loop End: Sets the last frame of the section to be included when the template is used
in Final Cut Pro. When playback reaches this frame, the project plays from the beginning of the
project or from the Build In marker, if present. Frames beyond the Project Loop End marker are
never played.

Project Loop End marker

Frames in this

section are looped.

Setting a marker type to Project Loop End changes any marker set to a Build Out type back to
Standard. Similarly, if a Project Loop End marker exists, adding an Outro marker resets the loop
marker back to Standard.
Tip: Adding a loop marker to the second frame in a template signals that the effect is time-
invariant—the first frame of the project loops forever. This can be useful for generators that do
not contain animation, such as a solid color generator, or for filters that are not animated by
default, such as a color correction filter.
Note: Templates with applied Time filters (Echo, Scrub, Strobe, Trails, or WideTime) should not
use Loop markers, because unexpected timing results can occur.

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