Move – Apple Motion 5.1.1 User Manual

Page 325

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Chapter 9




Drag a control point up or down to adjust the object in Z space.

In the following image, the path is no longer flat—the affected object moves in X, Y, and Z space.

To enter specific values for the control point locations, click the Control Points disclosure triangle
in the Motion Path behavior parameters. The first value field is X, the second value field is Y, and
the third value field is Z.


To reset the camera view, do one of the following:

Double-click the 3D View tool that you previously adjusted. For example, if you dragged the
Orbit tool to rotate the current camera, double-click the Orbit tool to reset the camera.

If you chose (and/or modified) a default camera view (such as Top, Right, Left, and so on),
choose Active Camera from the Camera menu, or choose View > 3D View > Active Camera.

With the camera selected, click the reset button in the Properties Inspector.


The Move behavior places a point in the Canvas that creates a specific location for an object or
group to move toward or away from in a straight line. When used with other behaviors, Move
can create complex motions. For example, in the following illustration, an Orbit Around behavior
is applied to the airplane shape.

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