Random motion – Apple Motion 5.1.1 User Manual

Page 363

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Chapter 9



You can also use the Random Motion behavior to add variation to the animation paths created
by other behaviors that affect an object’s position. In the following example, adding Random
Motion to an object with the Orbit Around behavior results in a more erratic animation path
from orbit to orbit, although it still moves around the center as before.

Parameters in the Inspector

Affect Subobjects: A checkbox that appears when this behavior is applied to an object that
contains multiple objects, such as a group, a particle emitter, a replicator, or a text layer. When
this checkbox is selected, all objects in the parent object are affected individually. When this
checkbox is deselected, all objects in the parent object are affected by the behavior together.

Amount: A slider that determines the speed the object moves by changing the length of the
animation path. Higher values result in faster motion and longer animation paths.

Frequency: A slider that determines the number of twists and turns in the animation path,
which can be seen by the crookedness of the resulting animation path. Higher values create
more turns in the animation path. Lower values result in straighter animation paths.

Noisiness: A slider that determines an additional level of jaggedness along the animation
path shape defined by the Amount parameter. Higher values result in a more jagged-looking
animation path.

Drag: A slider that controls the speed the object moves along the animation path. While the
Amount parameter controls the length of the animation path, the Drag parameter shrinks or
enlarges the animation path as a whole.

Include X, Y, and Z: Buttons that specify the space in which random motion is in effect. For
example, when X and Y are enabled, the motion occurs in the XY plane; when Y and Z are
enabled, the motion occurs in the YZ plane.

Random Seed: A button that picks a new random seed number. This number is used to
generate new animation paths, based on the values you’ve picked in the other parameters of
this behavior.

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