Os x ink preferences – Apple Motion 5.1.1 User Manual
Page 1061

Chapter 27
The Gestures Preferences pane appears.
Turn gestures
on or off.
Gestures in Motion use the Inkwell technology in OS X. To use gestures, you must
enable Handwriting Recognition in Motion Preferences. If you cannot turn gestures on at this
point, or perform the following steps, click Open Ink Preferences and follow the instructions
in the section,
on page 1061. After you enable Handwriting Recognition,
complete the following steps.
For “Gestures are,” ensure that On is selected.
To select a gesture input method, select an option from the Trigger pop-up menu:
Choose Pen Button 1 to invoke gestures by pressing the first button (the button closest to the
tip) on the pen.
Choose Pen Button 2 to invoke gestures by pressing the second button on the pen.
Choose Modifier (Ctrl) to invoke gestures by pressing Control.
OS X Ink preferences
The Ink pane in the OS X System Preferences window contains additional settings that should be
adjusted to better facilitate using gestures in Motion.
Note: The Ink pane is accessible only if you have a tablet connected to your Mac.
Set up OS X Ink preferences
In the Gestures pane of Motion Preferences, click Open Ink Preferences.
The OS X System Preferences window appears, with the Ink pane active.
67% resize factor