Chapter 24: share motion projects, Share motion projects overview, Share to apple devices – Apple Motion 5.1.1 User Manual
Page 1030: Share motion projects

Share Motion projects overview
When you are ready to distribute your project, there are many possible output options, found
in the Share menu. These options generate a file (or files) that contain a rendered version of
your project.
The Share menu provides various options designed to make it easy to distribute your project.
Most options have a specific target, such as an Apple device connected to iTunes, a Blu-ray disc,
or a specific website. There are also options for exporting broadcast-quality or highly compressed
QuickTime movies, image sequences, audio, and still images. You can customize the settings of
each method of export to suit your specific needs.
To further customize your output file or to spread the processing work across multiple
computers, you can use the settings for Compressor, the professional transcoding application.
Note: Only one project can be exported at a time. When you export a project for rendering, the
Share menu in other open projects is limited to only two commands—Send to Compressor and
Show Share Monitor. All other Share menu commands for those projects are unavailable until
the exported project finishes rendering. For more information, see
page 1042 or
on page 1044.
To learn more about the specific ways to share your projects and the related settings you can
modify, choose a topic in the Help table of contents (the sidebar to the left of this window).
Share to Apple devices
To output your project to a device such as iPhone, iPad, or iPod, or to play your project on a
home theater system using Apple TV, you must send the project to iTunes. There are two ways
you can choose an iTunes-compatible format to share your project.
Choose an Apple device format for sharing
Choose Share > Apple Devices.
In the Share window, click an Apple device shown at the top.
Select “Add to iTunes” if you want the shared file added to your iTunes library.
When the device you clicked appears at the center of the window, click Share.
The time it takes to output a project depends on the size of the movie and whether you render
more than one movie size at once. To monitor the render progress, use Share Monitor. For more
information, see
on page 1044.
Customize an Apple device format for sharing
Choose Share > Apple Devices.
In the Share window, click an Apple device shown at the top.
Share Motion projects
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