Particles, replicators, and rasterization, 1049 particles, replicators, and rasterization – Apple Motion 5.1.1 User Manual

Page 1049

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Chapter 25

About rasterization


For more information on rasterization with 2D and 3D groups, see

Groups and rasterization


page 1045.

Particles, replicators, and rasterization

When a group becomes rasterized, particles and replicator elements in that group are affected
and may no longer interact with other layers and groups as expected. Particles and replicators
still interact in 3D with elements in the rasterized group.

The following examples demonstrate how rasterization affects particles in 2D groups. In the first
image, a nonrasterized 2D group that contains a particle emitter is set to the Add blend mode.
The particles interact with the group beneath the emitter in the Layers list (the group containing
the reddish texture). The particles blend with the pixels of the underlying group.

In the next image, the group that contains the particle emitter is rasterized. The particle emitter’s
Add blend mode no longer interacts with the group beneath it in the Layers list (made apparent
by the dark ring around the edges of the particles).

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