Pop-up color palette, Colors window – Apple Motion 5.1.1 User Manual
Page 133

Chapter 5
User interface controls
Pop-up color palette
When you Control-click a color well or click the adjacent downward arrow, the Motion pop-up
color palette appears. Click in the top area to select a color from the spectrum of hues, saturation,
and lightness. Click in the bottom gradient to select a grayscale value.
As you drag in either area, the pointer becomes an eyedropper, the column on the right displays
the RGB and HLS values for the sampled colors, and two swatches above the RGB information
display the current and sampled colors. As you sample in the spectrum, the selected object in
the Canvas updates dynamically.
Colors window
You can also use the OS X Colors window in Motion, giving you access to the familiar color
pickers such as the Web Safe Colors palette or the Crayons palette.
color picker
Picker interfaces
Saved color
Current color
The Colors window has four sections: the icons at the top select picker interfaces; the large color
swatch shows the current color; the middle section shows the active picker; and the row of boxes
can be used to save swatches.
Show the Colors window
Do one of the following:
Click a color well.
Choose View > Show Colors.
Press Shift-Command-C.
67% resize factor