Apple Motion 5.1.1 User Manual
Page 1031

Chapter 24
Share Motion projects
The Share window displays the basic details about the file (size and resolution) and lists
compatible Apple devices. Although selecting iPod results in a file that is compatible with all
Apple devices, the file’s resolution may produce low quality when played on an iPad or Apple TV.
Select “Add to iTunes” if you want the shared file added to your iTunes library.
To specify additional options, click Show Details, then open the Options pane.
In the Options pane, choose settings to fine-tune the rendered output:
Sizes: To render the project to more than one size, select multiple devices in the Sizes area.
Choosing multiple devices results in multiple files with the same name.
Encode for: Select “Higher quality” or “More compatibility.” Note the difference in file size and
number of compatible devices listed. Choose the encoding option that creates an output file
compatible with the devices you use to play the project. Greater compatibility generally results
in lower quality when played on high-resolution devices.
Title: To change your project’s name in iTunes, enter a name in the Title field.
Add to playlist: To add your project to an iTunes playlist, choose a playlist from this
pop-up menu.
Compression: Choose a render quality from the pop-up menu. If you choose “Faster encode
(single pass)” you to sacrifice quality for faster processing.
Duration: If you set In and Out points in the Timeline, use the Duration pop-up menu to
choose whether to export the entire sequence or the portion between the In and Out points.
To specify additional Motion-specific options, open the Render pane.
For more information about options available in the Render pane, see
page 1043.
To use background rendering, open the Advanced pane.
For more information about background rendering, see
on page 1044.
To see details about files to be output, open the Summary pane.
When you’re satisfied with the settings, click Share.
The time it takes to output the project depends on the size of the movie, the number of movie
sizes being rendered, and the Render settings you selected. You can monitor the render progress
using Share Monitor. For more information, see
on page 1044.
If you selected the Add to iTunes option, iTunes opens (if it wasn’t open), and the new output
media appears within.
Share to iMovie, GarageBand, and other Apple applications
You can use a finished Motion project in another Apple application by exporting the project as
a QuickTime movie. A movie exported to your Movies folder can be accessed through the Media
Browser used in many Apple applications, including GarageBand, Pages, and Keynote.
Share a Motion project to iMovie
Choose Share > Export Movie (or press Command-E).
Choose an export format from the Export pop-up menu.
This menu provides a list of codecs.
Choose None from the “Open with” pop-up menu.
Choose an option from the Include pop-up menu.
67% resize factor