Use masks with replicators, 609 use masks with replicators, Use masks with – Apple Motion 5.1.1 User Manual

Page 609: Replicators

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Chapter 15



Although the Rectangle, Circle, Line, Wave, Image, and Geometry replicators have no inherent 3D
parameters, they can be moved and rotated in 3D space. Pattern elements can also be pulled out
of their plane when behaviors are applied. The replicator must be a member of a 3D group to be
pulled out of the X and Y planes by a behavior.

The following illustrations demonstrate replicator pattern elements pulled into Z space. In
the illustration on the left, the Burst replicator’s Z position is set to 0 and the white circle’s Z
position is set to 225. An “Attracted To” Simulation behavior is applied to the replicator, with the
white circle set as the target object. As the project plays, as shown in the center illustration, the
replicator elements move forward in Z space toward the attractor. In the right illustration, the
camera is rotated to look behind the replicator. Under the behavior’s influence, the replicator
elements move past their attractor element, and return to their original position.

Use masks with replicators

You can apply masks to a replicator’s source layer (used as the replicator cell source to create the
repeating onscreen elements) or to the replicator itself.

The following images show masks applied to the source layer of a replicator.

Mask applied

to the replicator

cell source layer

When a masked layer is used as the source for a replicator cell, the mask is respected in the
elements that appear onscreen.

Original source

Circle mask applied to source

Masked layer used

as replicator source

67% resize factor