Apple Motion 5.1.1 User Manual

Page 421

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Chapter 11

Final Cut Pro X templates


The easiest way to publish a parameter from Motion to Final Cut Pro is to choose the Publish
command from the parameter’s animation pop-up menu (the downward arrow on the right side
of a parameter row in the Inspector). When you save the template, the published parameter is
exported with the effect to Final Cut Pro.

When you publish a compound parameter (a parameter with nested subparameters), the
parameter and its subparameter controls appear in the Final Cut Pro inspector, like any other
published parameter. If the subparameter controls are not visible, click the disclosure triangle
next to the parameter name in the Final Cut Pro inspector.

You can also publish onscreen controls for filters (in addition to filter parameters). When you do
so, onscreen controls for the published filter become available in the Final Cut Pro Viewer.

Using rigs in templates
You can map multiple parameters to a single control in Final Cut Pro by adding rigs to the
template and publishing them. Rigs let you link parameters to a slider, pop-up menu, or
checkbox to simplify or limit the allowable adjustments in a Motion or Final Cut Pro project.
When you publish a rig control (known as a widget) in Motion, a master slider, pop-up menu,
or checkbox appears in the Final Cut Pro inspector, enabling editors to make complex effect
adjustments with simplified controls. For more information about rigs and widgets, see

Rigs and

widgets overview

on page 370.

In addition to publishing parameter controls, you can publish a checkbox that lets Final Cut Pro
users toggle the effect of a filter or behavior used in the template. You do this in Motion by
publishing the header row (the row with the blue activation checkbox) of a behavior or filter.
When the template is saved in Motion and applied to a clip in Final Cut Pro, a checkbox with the
name of the published filter or behavior appears in the Final Cut Pro inspector. Deselecting the
checkbox disables the effect of that filter or behavior (including its constituent parameters).

Items not published in Final Cut Pro
The following Motion items cannot be published in templates for Final Cut Pro:

Audio of any kind, including Source Audio wells in the Audio Parameter behavior

Image wells (except for drop zone Source Media wells)

Mini-curve editors

Timing controls in the Image Inspector or Media Inspector

Retiming behaviors (such as Ping Pong, Loop, and Stutter)

Some rig widget options (Slider: Range Minimum/Range Maximum)

The Pan and Scale parameters in template placeholders

Project properties (such as Pixel Aspect Ratio, Frame Rate, and Background Color in the
Properties Inspector)

Some Keyer filter and Luma Keyer filter parameters

Noncompound groups of controls, such as the Lighting parameter in the Properties Inspector

Onscreen path for the Motion Path behavior
Note: Although you can publish a Motion Path behavior to Final Cut Pro, the path does not
appear in the Final Cut Pro Viewer.

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