Publishing text parameters – Apple Motion 5.1.1 User Manual

Page 425

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Chapter 11

Final Cut Pro X templates


Customize a published parameter name in a template


In the Layers list, click Project.


In the Project Inspector, click Publishing.


In the Published Parameters list, double-click the name of a parameter, enter a name, then

press Return.
Note: To navigate to the originally published parameter (before the name change), Control-click
the parameter and choose Reveal Original Parameter.

Unpublish a parameter in the Inspector


In the image layer or effect object’s Inspector, do one of the following:

Click the parameter’s Animation menu (the downward triangle that appears when you place
the pointer over the right side of the parameter row), then choose Unpublish.

Control-click the parameter name, then choose Unpublish from the shortcut menu.

Unpublish a parameter in the Publishing pane


In the Layers list, click Project.


In the Project Inspector, click Publishing, then do one of the following:

Click the Animation menu (the downward triangle that appears when you place the pointer
over the right side of the parameter row), then choose Unpublish from the shortcut menu.

Control-click the parameter name, then choose Unpublish from the shortcut menu.

Publishing text parameters

When you apply a Final Cut Title template or Final Cut Generator template containing text
to a clip in Final Cut Pro X, a default Text pane appears in the Final Cut Pro X inspector. The
Final Cut Pro Text pane contains many of the same parameter controls as the Motion Text
Inspector (Font, Size, Alignment, and so on).

When a Final Cut Title or Final Cut Generator template contains published text parameters, those
parameters appear in a separate pane in the Final Cut Pro inspector: the Title pane. To modify
advanced text parameters in Final Cut Pro, publish them before saving the template in Motion.

For information on text parameters in the Format, Style, and Layout panes in the Text Inspector,

Text overview

on page 612.

You can also edit text in an applied Final Cut Pro template using onscreen controls in the
Final Cut Pro Viewer. Text in a generator, title, or effects template can be edited using these
onscreen text controls. If the text was saved in Motion in Paragraph layout (in the Layout pane
of the Text Inspector), the text appears with the rulers in the Final Cut Pro Viewer when you
double-click the text in the Viewer. If the text was saved in Motion with Type selected from the
Layout Method pop-up menu, the text appears on a single line in the Final Cut Pro Viewer, with
an onscreen transform tool.

For more information on working with text in Final Cut Pro, see

Final Cut Pro X Help


The Text pane in the Final Cut Pro inspector includes many of the same controls available in
the Motion Text Inspector. If you want to control a parameter not included in the following list,
publish that parameter in the title or generator template in Motion.

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