44 hud – Apple Motion 5.1.1 User Manual
Page 44

Chapter 2
Introduction to the Motion interface
Emitter: Contains controls for modifying a particle emitter, including emitter shape, space
(2D or 3D), angle, and range. This pane also provides access to cell controls. For emitters
with multiple cells, these controls affect all cells. For more information on using particles, see
on page 513.
Particle Cell: Contains controls for modifying particle cells. Particle cells can only be selected
in the Layers list or Timeline layers list. This pane contains controls for attributes such as birth
rate, speed, angle, and color.
Replicator: Contains controls for modifying replicator attributes, including shape, space (2D or
3D), pattern, size, and cell controls. For more information on using the replicator, see
on page 559.
Replicator Cell: Contains controls for modifying replicator cells. Replicator cells can only be
selected in the Layers list or Timeline layers list. This pane contains controls for attributes such
as angle, color, and scale.
Generator: Displays the parameters and attributes of the selected generator, such as the Center,
Size, and Intensity parameters of a Lens Flare generator. The parameters listed depend on the
selected generator. For more information on generators, see
on page 709.
Audio Track: Contains controls for adjusting an audio file selected in the Audio list of the
Project pane or in the Audio Timeline, including level, pan, and output bus. For more
information on working with audio, see
on page 1010.
Master: Contains controls for adjusting a Master audio track selected in the Audio list of the
Project pane, including level, pan, and the output bus of audio tracks in the project. For more
information on working with audio, see
on page 1010.
Note: When an object other than a filter or behavior is selected, the Object Inspector becomes
available if it was the last pane used. If the Properties Inspector was last used, the Properties
Inspector becomes available.
The HUD (heads-up display) is a dynamically updating floating window that puts the common
controls for a selected object within easy reach. For example, an image HUD contains opacity,
blend mode, and drop shadow controls.
67% resize factor