Add media from the file browser, Manage folders and files – Apple Motion 5.1.1 User Manual

Page 33

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Chapter 2

Introduction to the Motion interface


Return to a previously viewed folder
Do one of the following:


Click the Back button beneath the preview area (to the left of the Path pop-up menu).


Choose a folder from the Path pop-up menu beneath the preview area.


Press Command–Up Arrow.


Swipe left with three fingers on a Multi-Touch trackpad.

Add media from the File Browser

You can drag files to your project from the File Browser, or use the Import button.

Add media via the File Browser
Do one of the following:


Select media files in the File Browser, then click the Import button.
The files are added to the project at the center of the Canvas.


Drag a file from the File Browser to the Canvas or to a group in the Layers list.

For more File Browser import options, see

Add and remove files

on page 163.

Manage folders and files

In the File Browser, you can rename, move, or delete files. You can also change how files
are displayed.

Rename a folder or file
Do one of the following:


Control-click the file or folder, then choose Rename from the shortcut menu. When the text field
becomes active, enter the new name, then press Return.


In the stack, click the name of the folder or file once to select it, then click it again to activate the
text field. Enter the new name, then press Return.


Renaming folders or files from the File Browser renames the item on your local or

networked hard disk. If projects use files from the originally named folder, Motion may list the
footage as missing.

Delete a folder or file
Do one of the following:


In the stack, Control-click the file, then choose Move to Trash from the shortcut menu.


Drag the file from the stack to the Trash icon in the Dock.


Deleting folders or files from the File Browser removes the files from your hard disk

or networked hard disk and places the files in your Trash.

Create a folder


Click the Add button (+) in the lower-left corner of the File Browser.

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