Gravity, Orbit around – Apple Motion 5.1.1 User Manual

Page 360

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Chapter 9




The Gravity behavior causes an object, or the objects in a group (when Affect Subobjects is
selected), to fall over time. The gravitational acceleration can be increased or decreased, resulting
in a change to the rate of fall. Objects affected by the Gravity behavior continue to fall past the
bottom edge of the Canvas (unless the Edge Collision behavior has been applied).

The following illustration shows an object affected by the Throw, Snap Alignment to Motion, and
Gravity behaviors all at once.

As you can see, the Gravity behavior can be used in conjunction with other behaviors that
animate the position of objects to create natural-looking arcs and animation paths that simulate
thrown objects falling to the ground. For example, apply the Throw behavior to an object to send
it flying through the air, and then apply the Gravity behavior to it to make the object arc up and
then fall down past the bottom of the Canvas.

You can also set the Acceleration parameter to a negative value, effectively applying “antigravity”
to the object and making it fly up.

Parameters in the Inspector

Affect Subobjects: A checkbox, available when this behavior is applied to an object that
contains multiple objects, such as a group, a particle emitter, a replicator, or a text layer. When
this checkbox is selected, all objects in the parent object are affected individually. When this
checkbox is deselected, all objects in the parent object are affected by the behavior together.

Acceleration: A slider that sets the strength of gravity affecting the target object. The higher
this value, the faster the target object falls.

Orbit Around

Similar to the Attracted To behavior, the Orbit Around behavior’s default parameter settings give
the object sufficient initial velocity to orbit around another object in a perfect circle.

Note: Behaviors such as Attractor and Repel applied to nearby objects might disrupt an object
with the Orbit Around behavior applied to it.

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