Apple Motion 5.1.1 User Manual

Page 401

background image

Chapter 11

Final Cut Pro X templates


Tip: To align objects in the Canvas, use the Dynamic Guides and snapping (press N). You can
also select objects, then choose an option from the Objects > Alignment menu.


Add a mask to the Top Prism Group:


In the Layers list, select the Top Prism Group.


Choose the Bezier Mask tool from the Mask pop-up menu in the toolbar, then draw a four-

sided shape in the Canvas so that the bottom side crosses the center of the circle graphics at
an angle.
Use the following image as a reference:

Tip: To quickly zoom out of the Canvas, press Command–Minus Sign. Press Command–Plus
Sign to zoom into the Canvas. Alternatively, you can hold down the Space bar and Command
key (in that order), then drag diagonally in the Canvas. The zoom occurs around the spot
clicked in the Canvas.


With the mask selected, choose View > Show Rulers (or press Shift-Command-R).

67% resize factor